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2021-03 Honduras Missions Report

Brother Paco

The Jungle Missionary Report, March, twenty one

Date: March 5 until March 22, 2021

Missionaries : José Francisco Calix, Sister Suyapa Calix and Ely Acosta,

Intérprete: Rafael Blackhouse.

We want to thank the Lord for the great oportunity he has gave us to be able to work for his Kingdom, and to be connected with Saints of God with a missionary who has been supporting this missionary work, First with their Prayers and second with financial support.

We aprecciate them very much, because we know that with out their healp we will not been able to acomplish the missionary work.

Friday March 5 Sister Delmi Gerónimo´s wedding at 10 am and I baptized her in water at 3 pm.

6: 30 pm I preached for the believers in La Ceiba City

Saturday March 6,

7:00 am we flew into Puerto Lempira.

At 6:00 pm we did have the first service in Puerto Lempira at brother Calin's house.

Sunday March 7

9:30 am Teaching of the Word in Puerto Lempira Tabernacle

6:30 pm evangelistic in Puerto Lempira Tabernacle.

some of the believers asked for prayer

Monday March 8

We had a evangelistic service at brother Jose's house. Some people came to the altar for prayer.

Tuesday, March 9

Preaching in Puerto Lempira Tabernacle

Wednesday March 10.

We traveled into Honduras and Nicaragua Burder to a Town called Suhi, we spended the night there, and we went to look for some thing to eat arround 7:00 p m .

We asked to a Lady if she can sell us some thing to eat, and she reply, saying. I don't have much but if you can eat what I have I'll Cook for you all.

We stared to talk about the Word with the Brothers, and all the sudden the Lady got involved in the conversation.

And few minutes later her daughter came out of the kitchen, confirmen what were saying about the message, and by the grave God we ended having a devocional service with them, and they asked us to pray for them too, the Young girl say that she has been suffering from migraine.

When we came back from El Carrizal we stoped by to see she was doing, and the testiminy of the girl was that very since we prayed for her she has been fine with not headache.

Thursday, March 11.

We traveled El Carrizal, Nicaragua

And we had the first service at 6:00 pm

This is a little Group right now, they are 8 believer baptized in the name of Jesús Christ.

Beside them there were some visiters in the service, some of the believers asked for prayer for divine healing and others came for spiritual healp.

Friday moring, 9:00 a m March 12

We had service with the members of the church, to teach them position in the Word.

There was a drunk man who came into the service a he asked for prayer, because he want to give his heart to the Lord.

same day at 6:00 pm another evangelistic service with them.

Saturday March, 13. We traveled by horse back into Cahuru ill, Nicaragua, to visit another little church, where is Pastoring brother Francisco Moore.

this pastor has been preaching for years, but he has been with out healp from other ministers,

He didn´t have Church Order, and lot other important things of the Revealed Word.

But, he is now happy to having us healping his Church.

Saturday at 6:00 pm

We did have the first service, and the Lord touched the people and about 10 believer came for prayer for diferent needs.

Sunday morning March 14.

We teached the Church Order, because brother Francisco Moore the pastor requested it.

We had a great results the church and the Pastor enjoyed it very much.

this pastor has been there for years, but he has not been instructed under a ministry.

But, He say, that He want to do The right thing.

Sunday at 6:00 pm

We had another evangelistic service, and the Lord visited the Church again.

Some of the members came for prayer to have a better walk with God, we also prayer for the Sicks.

There was a Sister from the Baptist Church, She has been suffering some kind of sickness, She came to our sevices, and Sunday night after the Service She was attacked by the Devil with that problem ,she was shaking, was afraid, and crying.

We prayed for her, and the Lord healed her, and next morning she came to ask for prayer because she wants to receibe the message.

Monday, March 15.

We went back into Carrizal to have another evangelistic service, this time we did have about 10 Members Brother Francisco Moore´s Church of Cahuru ill.

At 4:00 pm we baptized two tenager girls.

One of the girls was brother Francisco´s Daughter.

At 6: 00 p m The Last eveangelistic service.

The Lord gave me a Sermon about make our home an Altar for the Lord, and most of the couples husbans and wifes asked for prayer to make their homes han Altar for the Lord.

Tuesday March 16,

We traveled back to Puerto Lempira.

we arrived in Puerto Lempira at 3:30 pm.

And at 6:30 pm we had a Service in the Tabernacle of Puerto Lempira.

Wednesday, March 17

We had another evangelistic service in another Neighborhood of Puerto Lempira.

Thursday March 18.

At 6:30 pm evangelistic service in Puerto Lempira Tabernacle.

Two people gave their hearts to the Lord.

and many other came for prayer.

Friday ,March 19

we visited some believers home to encourge them in the Lord.

Saturday, March 20

At day time we visited other believers homes,

And at 6:00 pm we had an evangelistic service in a Neighborhood of Puerto Lempira, and one woman and a man gave their hearts to the Lord.

Sunday, March 21.

9:00 am teaching of the Word in Puerto Lempira Tabernacle.

At 6:30 evangelistic and dismissing service .

The Lord Gave us a great Time in Fellowship with the saints arround the Word of God

Monday March 22. We traveled back home , and by the grace of God we made it back home safe.

Thanks for your prayers

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