...But teaching places the man positionally what he is. And we can never rightly be able to have faith until positionally we know what we are...
60-0515E - Adoption #1
Greetings in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ!
We are happy to present to you a comprehensive study on end-time events, with Bro. Billy Maia's commentaries.
We invite you to come along and examine prophecies for the end-time found in the Scriptures.
…But it’s just like a jigsaw puzzle, you know. We used to get the old jigsaw puzzles all cut up—up, and then we’d sit down and study how to put it together. And then we’d have to have something laying over on the side, the picture of what we were trying to place together, to make the jigsaw puzzle come out right. If you didn’t, you’d—you’d never get it done.
63-1114 - Influence
With the Message books in hand, we will look into the Bible to search and see it together…
We are excited and trust the Lord will grant us a great launch and a deep space exploration!
God bless you.
LWF Teaching Ministries

Here we investigate a short period of time, starting at the end of the tribulation:
…As the Two witnesses of Revelation 11 are killed by the armies of the antichrist in the tribulation, God comes down and unleashes His wrath through His Army of seven fierce messengers and their groups…
… and behold! they arrive on earth on a full-scale, plaguing against the false church and those that have received the mark of the beast...
…Michael with the true church, and Lucifer with the false church are at their much-anticipated clash, and this takes place on earth!
…the battle will be hot and heavy…
…this work is done just before King Jesus sets His foot on the Mount of Olives, when the last plague is poured…
…King Jesus presents Himself to the 144 thousand jews and inaugurates the Millennium…

Here we examine that as soon as the two witnesses of Revelation 11 are killed, a mysterious messenger is seen bringing the Holy Ghost to the 144 thousand jews…
…a prominent messenger is swiftly heading to the Holy Land bringing the Seal of God, he is not Moses, he is not Elijah, he is not King Jesus….
…as the tribulation ends, the global catastrophe hasn’t happened yet; this messenger arrives and cries with a loud voice: hold up, until my work is done!..
…at the seventh plague, he says, it is done! That is when global destruction comes…
…who is he? Who are those coming with him?..
Here we examine that as soon as the two witnesses of Revelation 11 are killed, a mysterious messenger is seen bringing the Holy Ghost to the 144 thousand jews…
…a prominent messenger is swiftly heading to the Holy Land bringing the Seal of God, he is not Moses, he is not Elijah, he is not King Jesus….
…as the tribulation ends, the global catastrophe hasn’t happened yet; this messenger arrives and cries with a loud voice: hold up, until my work is done!..
…at the seventh plague, he says, it is done! That is when global destruction comes…
…who is he? Who are those coming with him?..
Here we look into a quick panoramic view of the events that will transpire from the rapture all the way into the new earth…
After the Bride returns from the wedding supper, we observe that there is a multitude of people that have crossed over from this age into the other side of the tribulation:
-the 144 thousand jews that are purged in the tribulation
-the nominal church that are purged in the tribulation
-the tribes of Dan and Ephraim that are purged in the tribulation
-People that never had a chance to hear the gospel that will also go through a refining process to be allowed to be there.
Just as the offspring of Noah and the offspring of Lot polluted the land after being spared from destruction, the offspring of the spared ones will rebel at the end of the one thousand years, and the battle of Gog and Magog will come!

On this episode, we see how there will be an opening of the seven seals for the bride saints that are in heaven as shown in Revelation 5.
Every member of the Bride from the seven church ages will have the full revelation of Jesus Christ, finally!
This happens in the clouds just before the Bride meets Jesus in the air, indeed, the raptured Bride remnant will be there to witness it, it will be de judgment of the seven church age messengers.
They will accepted at that time, and they will present their groups to Jesus in the air as their trophies for their ministry.