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2024 - 09 Honduras Mission Trip

Brother Steve

In September of 2024, Bro. Paco set out for another mission trip into the jungles of Honduras and Nicaragua.

From Bro. Paco:

We flew toward Puerto Lempira.

To wait for the Ministers from Nicaragua and the Native brothers who want to serve the Lord in the Church.

By Gods Grace We were able to come to pick them up.

At Coconut River, Leimus burder line between Honduras and Nicaragua.

Below are some excerpts from Bro. Paco's report from his trip.

During one meeting, we had 8 ministers from different parts of Nicaragua.

And 10 Native believers from the Jungle. We approached the subject:

"The need of a prophet in this Last Age" - It was really a great blessing for the Native brothers.

On one weekend, We did have kind of revival services. The Lord really blessed those meetings.

The believers were encouraged with the preaching of the Gospel and the fellowship among the believers. During the three nights we prayed for the believers for different needs and some of them requested the baptism of the Holy spirit in their soul. Brother Blackhouse was happy for the benefit his church received.

The brother on green shirt Is brother Elias next to him Is His wife and the other brother sitting with Is their son Yeltsin. Brother Elias and his family came to the altar for prayer .

We would like ask you all to remember them in prayer.

This Is the community of Tikiraya. Here we only have a Shelter for the services.

There's only two families here believing the message.

Trusting in the LORD that will add to the Church those who has to be saved


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