In December of 2024, Bro. Paco took another mission trip into the jungles of Honduras and Nicaragua. He was joined on this trip by Bro. Pedro Moran. Before Bro. Paco left, he sent this message to LWF.
Dear brother Chris.
Deacons, trustees, and all the saints of LWF ASSEMBLY. Greetings in the wonderful name of the Lord Jesus Christ. I hope and Pray that every one of you are doing well. Trusting that we all are longing to be the living Word of the end time. I just want to give you a few words of recognition for every effort you all have been doing to Support The missionary Work here in Central America. I have to recognize that you have played a great part of the success that I have in the missionary Work the Lord Jesus Christ has called me to do. For so many years I have been able to go to the field because your prayers and missionary financial support. And my wife and I want to tell you that we do apreciate your effort and that we are not taking it for granted, we know that you all have done a great effort to Support Our missionary ministry. We love you and we definitely thank you so much.
And we also Will continue praying for you all.
Please continue Remembering us in Prayer.
With much love
Brother Paco and Sister Suyapa.
God bless you
