And He Said Unto Them,Go Ye Into All The World, and Preach The Gospel to Every Creature. Mark 16:15
Current Mission Projects
Message Books Printing in India
Message Books Printing in Africa
Bible Purchases for India
Bible Purchases for Africa
Honduras Missionary Support
Message Books Printing in Egypt
African Missionary Support

Mission Priorities & Focus
Local Mission Outreach
Supporting Missionaries Throughout the World
Providing Bibles and Message Books to Believers Wherever They Are Needed
Helping to Build Churches
Providing Humanitarian Support (Food, Shelter etc.) to Believers in Need
May we live till the Coming of the Lord, if it be possible. May we do everything that's in our power, with love and understanding, understanding that God is searching the world, today, finding every lost sheep. And may we talk to them with seasoned prayer of love and the Word of God, that we might find that last one, so we can go Home, and get out of this old Eden of Satan here, Lord.
65-0829 - Satan's Eden - Rev. William Marrion Branham

In December of 2024 we were able to purchase 200 Bibles in the Swahili language for Bro. Elias Pallangyo. He has began distributing them to small churches in the country, including one in the Lake Victoria region of north central Tanzania. As is the case in most areas of the country, most new believers are not able to afford to purchase a Bible so it's a great blessing that we can help with providing them.


In December of 2024, Bro. Paco took another mission trip into the jungles of Honduras and Nicaragua. On this trip he took Bro. Pedro Moran with him. They ministered in a number of churches, both large and small. They even ministered to a group of people at a Government protest camp along their travels. The services were a great blessing and a number of baptisms took place in search of that last seed of God.


We recently provided the funds to print 10,000 copies of "Modern Events Are Made Clear By Prophecy." These were printed in the Telegu language with the help of our precious Bro. Varam in India. They are now in the process of being distributed to the believers in the area. They are very appreciative of every new book they receive in their own language.