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2018-10 Mongolia Mission Report Pt2

Brother Leon

Mongolia Missions Trip Oct 2018

Summary – Part 2

Tuesday met with bro Enkee & then walked to the Baptist Church offices where I had arranged a meeting with the Pastor Eggi & Sanhuu who were part of the Mongolian translating team of the King James Bible into Mongolian for the past 10 years. Bill, who I stayed with for a few days on the last trip, & Dennis who were a part of the team had returned home in June to the USA after finishing the full Bible translation project. Wanted bro Enkee who has ministered in many places in Mongolia to hear how the translating team had prayerfully chosen the words they felt were the most accurate translation for God & idol etc. Mongolia has not had a very accurate Bible translation. Also the people have got used to incorrect words used in previous translations which has made it very difficult. The word they are familiar with using for God, ’Burhan’ has Buddhist ties. The word they were used to for ‘idol’, Shuteen’ meaning ‘object of worship, the translating team felt was the best & most suitable word for God. These issues made it very difficult trying to select & use the right words, that were different but yet, they felt made a more accurate translation. I asked if they minded if I video’d their explanation in English & Monglian as it may be a way to help fellow Monglolian Christians to understand & respect the work they have done direct from the translation team, explained in their own language. From other feedback the content is a good translation & those that can understand the reason for the diifferent choice of words used, will be blessed by it. It may take some time. I did record the video interview. We also suggested putting in an explanation of these words used, at the beginning of the Mongolian King James Bible which they thought was a good idea & said they probably will do, before sending off to print !

Was very encouraged when after their presentation & some discussion, bro Enkee who was was apprehensive at first, understood & seemed to appreciate their conclusion even ending up wanting to say a few words on the video which he did. Bro Enkee was pleased & happy he came with, as the meeting had helped him & hopefully he can help others in the future !

Wednesday met with bro Ari & two Christian friends. One being the teacher who taught bro Ari English & the other the musician & orchestra director. Had a wonderful time together sharing many things from the Word -Two spirits in the church, Two vines, The Wheat & Tares, Ecumenical move, Godhead, Baptism, Holy Ghost seal, Laodicean Age & characteristics etc The Holy Ghost in a believer will always agree with everything in the Word which was written by the Holy Ghost etc

After walked downtown UB to meet Mark, German Christian guy who teaches English & German & who was a help to us in the past transporting ones to the Tuul River in UB for water baptism in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ ! Had time of fellowship & encouragement. While we were standing near Sukbaatar Square downtown in the evening a real nice well-dressed Mongolian couple who Mark knew invited us in last minute to watch the Mongolian Orchestra performing there in UB. Nice unexpected treat for a couple of hours with some native Mongolian music & instruments too. Walked back home late.

Thursday met for lunch with sis Oyunaa & her sister Altan, that we just baptised in May. Sis Nansaa who we met originally in Zunhara at pastor Ultsi’s church & gave a Church Age book as she understood some English, to wanted to be there but unfortunately her aunt just passed away & so not able to join us. Shared some things from the Word & message with them which felt were helpful & encouraging ! Sis Oyunaa lost her husband Bro Turu who went to be with the Lord in the last year & had suffered a stroke earlier. He was a real soldier & I believe one of the 1st baptised years ago on one of bro Danny’s original mission trips here. They opened their home to store the extra message books for the past few years in Mongolian, Russian, English etc & Bibles & tracts & cd’s etc Helped her out with some funds which bro Danny & I had discussed. She was most grateful & appreciative.

After that walked to Bro Ari’s apt & had wonderful time around the revealed Word of God. Discussed King James Bible translation work in Mongolian & the diff words used by the translation team. After that Bro Ari’s wife sis Sarah expressed not understanding about need for re- baptism even though her husband bro Ari had just been re-baptised in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ when bro Danny & sis Della drove over a 1000 miles to be in in Chicago with him a couple of months before. So asked me to explain to her from the Bible. We had just started going through some Scriptures when some Christian friends of theirs arrived so we were not able to finish up. It was three couples from the countryside. One young man preparing for missionary trip into China which they were all going to help with – so gave a little to help too. Encouraged him with bro Branhams words about it ‘always being the will of God doing missionary work with the Word of God’ ! They were viewing documentary on Utube about the richest TV evangelists etc & what they are worth, & discussing these things. Told them it’s Big business! Shared with them Rev 3: 14-22 speaking of this rich Laodicean Age that thinks they are rich, but don’t know they are wretched poor blind & naked etc Christ the Word outside the churches.

Blessed evening of fellowship, discussion & sharing !

Friday met translater Sanhuu at My Niche coffee shop for some fellowship & then walked to Station café where arranged to meet Mujic who we baptised in May in the Tuul River in Ulaanbataar. Sanhuu agreed to come with me to translate as Mujic doesn’t speak or understand English. Mujic arrived with his brother who is not a Christian. We had a real good & encouraging time of fellowship. Mujic still looking after program helping ex- prisoners which has increased in numbers ! Really happy to hear he is attending a Christian Church near his home & getting some fellowship. Ended up witnessing to his unbelieving bro about Christ thru translater. Shared about the sacrifice of Calvary, Blood that Jesus shed for his sin, surrendering all, obeying what Peter said in Acts 2:38, being baptised in the Name of The Lord Jesus Christ & receiving the Holy Ghost life of God which will change & transform him & give him overcoming power to live a victorious life pleasing to his creator & seeking his God ordained purpose in this life. They were traveling right away into the countryside so said farewells till next time!

Later packed a few things in backpack & Bro Ari, his wife & 3 children & myself jumped in his friend’s car who taxi’d us to train station to catch train to the countryside village of Tunkel to visit bro Bassaan & sis Nina who we baptised in May in the river near their home. Thought we’d almost not make it with the terrible UB traffic. Met Bro Itgelt from Darkhan at station who was on way thru UB to his work in the south Gobi desert for a month, flying out the next evening. So invited him to jump on the train with us to Tunkel last minute. He said sure & off we all went on 8pm train. So glad otherwise we would have not been able to spend any time together. Going thru a difficult time so encouraged him in the Word & seeking God’s will which is best & seeking 1st Kingdom of God & He will help take care of everything else ! After 3 hour packed stuffy train ride arrived in country village of Tunkel at aprox 11pm at night. Bro Bassan there to meet us with a flash light to show us the way down the dark snow & icy dirt roads to their home. Glad I had my bright headlamp wich helped ! So nice to get to their home with wood stove heating after walking in the 15 Celcius below freezing weather. They just moved into it aprox a week ago. Still work to do. Sis Nina served us something to drink & some food & home made canned veggies while we fellowshipped. All pretty tired & after midnight so got to sleep fairly quickly.

Saturday morning after we walked to the village store to pick up some fresh bread & groceries for them & then after having a snack together we had a service with a few people in their home which they asked me to take. Bro Itgelt played guitar, sang a couple of specials & then he lead in a few worship songs – Real blessing ! Spoke on Original sin, 1st Eve falling, but in this day Christ calling out & coming for a Word Bride free of man-made denominational organisations & teachings –Word of His Word, Spirit of His Spirit, Life of His Life etc We are what we Eat ! Eat Methodist church teaching – become Methodist etc But eat the Word – Become the Word! Bro Ari translated ! After prayed together, dismissed & had to head straight back to train station to take train back to Ulaanbataar. They asked if next time we could please stay longer ! Left them something extra to help out !

Had a great time fellowship on the train on the way back with bro Itgelt & bro Ari ! Had a chance to lay out God's Scriptural pattern & the promise of a true prophet/messenger with a Message of Restoration of the Original Word, Faith, Life etc to call out a Bride for Christ, & that true ministry in that age will be in harmony with that & not bring things contrary, the same as in the 1st church age messenger Pauls day ! Encouraged the brothers to stay with the original vindicated message God sent thru bro Branham promised in the Scriptures for this day which would keep them from unnecessary confusion satan tries to bring. God is not the author of confusion. Real blessing to have bro Ari helping to translate & make things clearer for bro Itgelt. When we arrived in Ulaanbataar, Itgelt took a taxi to the airport & bro Ari and his family went home. Bro Enkee picked me up in his car at the station & started right away on our journey to Darkhan, about 4 1/2 hours if roads are not bad with snow & ice.

Got to sis Amara and son Gomboo’s apartment real late that night. Good to see them again & be able to spend some time together ! Bro Gomboo is a paraplegic – done well in paraplegic games, has own simple business etc Was not able to walk or talk when younger ! The Lord has done so much for him already but encouraged him in Faith in His Word to believe for more – Keep a vision of a healed body before him that Jesus paid for with His stripes, & walk into that believing & confessing in Faith ! All things are possible !!! Great Blessing to have Bro Enkee with to translate & fellowship with them as they don’t understand or speak English !

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