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Brother Paco

2022-11 Honduras Mission Report

Updated: Mar 15, 2023

Mission trip by Bro Paco:

Dear Brother Chris Maritz and LWF Assembly.

I want to express my words of appreciation to every one of you starting Brother Maritz for being a Minister of God with a heavy Duty to take the portion of the Body that he is Pastoring into perfection, and for the Great Love You all have for the Missionary Work specially in the Misquito indigenous in Honduras and Nicaragua.

I recognize we are living at the end Time, and the end of everything is at hand, and as Mathew 24: 12 said And because Iniquity shall abound, The Love of many shall wax cold.

we are now living that time where lot people do not care any more for the lost soul.

But I believe that some body got to do the Job, with the healp mof the Lord.

And I believe that God has crossed our paths in this World so we can work together as a team to accomplish the work the lord has call us to do.

I personal want to thank you once more more the great support I have been receiving from You all as a Christian Message Believers Assembly.

The Lord has gave us grace to trust in us, so we can be able to do a little of the Missionary Work in Honduras, Nicaragua and El Salvador. Panama, Costa Rica and Mexico.

But, Honduras and Nicaragua is where LWF Assembly has been really pressing on healping the missionary in the Jungle, where we have by the grace of God 7 little churches in the Jungle and 4 other churches in the state of Yoro Honduras, and at the moment I am working with two new little groups in the mountains of Yoro.

Nevertheless I believe that JesusChrist deserves all the Glory and the Honor and the Praise forever and ever.

Please continue praying for us here so we can be able to catch God´s vision for his Kingdom.

My wife and I, are so thankfull with every one of You for your Love , your Prayer and your Love offerings you has shared with us.

God Bless you.

Your Brother in Christ Jesus: Jose Francisco Calix Diaz. ( brother Paco)

And Sister Maria Suyapa Calix.

November 24, 2022

I traveled into La Ceiba City.

Where we have a group of believers fighting the good fight.

AND every Time that I pass by They asked me to preach for them.

They are another group of believers Lack of Pastor, they were thrown outside the original church because the Pastor started a new way to believe the message"false doctrine" AND Now they are standing for the Word with Two deacons.

This took place about three years ago AND Now this Little group are truing to build a place to worship the Lord.

Friday November 25- 2022

I traveled into Puerto Lempira by Airplane.

Brother Blackhouse AND Brother José were waiting for me at the Airport in Puerto Lempira.

I was happy to be back there to healp the Bride of the Lord there.

They have some good fish AND banana slices for Lynch.

Friday November 25, 2022.

We started the Missionary Work having an evangelistic service at Brother Jose´s House.

The reason we have services in homes is because we like to give the opportunity to the neighbors to hear the message.

Brother Blackhouse and Brother Jose they both are doing very good Job for the Lord there.

This Time of the Year we have had a lot of Rain, and many places are flooded.

And we were not able to travel into Lisagny Pura and Tikiraya as well because there was not way to get there.

Brother Blackhouse came up with an idea, to send an ad to the believers through a Radio Station to see if they were able to come to Puerto Lempira so we can have some special services there.

And the Pastor Nolberto Lopez From Lisagny Pura and 10 members of his church came up and Brother Pablito the Pastor from Tikiraya Came by him self because it´s to Far away for them to come.

And the Lord gave us a great time teaching the word , and we had enough time to talk to them, we answer some question about the Message, we ate together and we also talked about some bible question that they did have in their hearts.

It seems to me that we had a very profitable time together with them.

This is the church in Puerto Lempira, about 7 years ago we started from zero , and the Lord has adds to the church those who were to be saved.

and I have also find grace with children.

I also Like to said that brother Blackhouse has done a great Job there as a Pastor.

His health it´s doing lots better, he has been trying to work little by little, so far his heart it´s doing better and better.

We like to thank you all for the financial support and also for your prayers for brother Blackhouse, He does appreciates a lot.

Sunday School Kids of Puerto Lempira.

We have two Sisters working with them to teach the word and place it in their little hearts.

Brother and Sister Blackhouse´s Wedding anniversary.

They both are a great blessing for the Bride in Puerto Lempira.

Some of the Believers from Lisagny Pura, singing a special song in Puerto Lempira´s Tabernacle.

This is one of the sisters who came from Lisagny Pura to be in Feloowship in Puerto Lempira Resting.

one of the thing that they don´t has to be worried about it´s to find a bed or matrix to sleep.

when they are ready to go to sleep, they just lay down on the floor, and they have the best resting time.

Some time we are so confortable in our bedroom, with nice King size bed, and we still don´t have enough rest.

I so appreciate my bed, when I see how they enjoy what they have.

I also want to let you know that we were able to sent some use clothing and shoes for them who have been in the flood.

and I also gave them some groceries to take back home with them.

This little Red Pick Up belongs to Brother Jose Quintanilla.

He alway healp us wiith his pick up to take us into Suhi, the border of Honduras and Nicaragua, where we Rent a boat to ride throgh Coconut River up to El Carrizal.

From Puerto Lempira into El Carrizal.

We spent 5 or 6 hours to get into the border, and another 6 hours by water to get into El Carrizal.

When we come to El Carrizal, we also visited Cahuru Hill Church.

This time we were not able to go to Cahuru Hill, because the believers of Cahuru Hill, the Pastor Francisco Moore and the members of his church consedered that the the way into El Carrizal was too muddy and lot water in the creecks.

Therefore they desired to come into El Carrizal and they stay there with Us for 5 days togethers.

The brother in charge of the work in El Carrizal Richard Chacon and two more couples desired to have their Wedding Ceremonies, Because they have´t done it yet, so, we did the Job for them three wedding Ceremonies.

They decorated the church as Misquitos people like to do it.

I want to mention that, there´s not too many people who wants to get Married, they have their own costume, the man make a deal with the brides father, and once they do that the father give his daughter away to the man with out get married.

But hte Message has arrive there now and the believers are acting like Christians and making things right.

While we were in El Carrizal teaching the Word, and preaching the Gospel of repentance there was a tenager girl who desired to get baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

As we know that the time that we are now living in is hard to find one with a willing heart to receibe the word, to me is a great joy to find one.

the believers of the two church were also happy to see one more coming in.

Some of the services in El Carrizal.

Brother Eli Acosta is Preaching Pastor Francisco Moore interpreting for him.

Brother Francisco Moore has been in that mountaine for many years with out instruction of the Message, but now he is so happy for being receiving the healp through our missionary work. the last three or four year in his area, his church is really receiving the message very well.

And the saints in El Carrizal are a new church also, but they are Growing Quickly.

Please continue praying for them.

This is Brother Richard Chacon.

He was the first one to receive the message in El Carrizal, he has been a blessing in his community.

He is a very Humble man he got his wife and three kids.

The Lord allowed us to teach the need of the Life of Christ in the people´s heart, and many of them came to the altar crying out for the Holy Gost.

I believe that the Lord is dealing with them.

Tuesday December 6.

We started Our trip down the Coconut River tour Waspan City, which is part of the Jungle of Nicaragua.

This is the little work in Waspan.

The Lord has allowed us to start to visit this town, about 10 or 12 years ago we came through Waspan I Meet a denominational Brother there and he took over to his house we talked to his wife and other people arround there, and I baptized two brothers there, but this brother wife, she was against the teaching of the Word, look like that her husband want to follow the word but she was pretty straight with him and told him that she was not going to accept that teaching, and the man told us that he only wants to be baptized and not more.

We preached few services there and then we stop going there.

But, about three years ago we started to visit another family there, through brother Blackhouse and now there is a little group of believers there.

We thank the Lord for his Love for his Children.

The Brother on blue shirt is the brother in charge of the work his Name is Brother Pedro.

We preached three services there,

and the two young sister with the little boy standing next to them are singing a special song for the Lord,

the other group of Sisters came to the altar, one of them received the Lord in her heart as her savior, and the rest of them wanted to rededicate their Life to serve the Lord.

We need to pray for brother Pedro , he is still lack of the full understanding in the Word, but he is doing his best to healp the people.

In Waspan we finish our work in the Jungle Thursday December 8.

and then Friday December 9 we traveled into Managua, Nicaragua to visit Brother Manuel Lopez Church in Mnagua.

The reazon we came out of the Jungle through Managua was because We were already in Nicaragua side, and we had a ministers meeting in Chinandega Nicaragua, the following week after we finish in waspan.

We arrived in Managua Friday night, and Sunday December 11 we visited Brother Manuel´s church, where the Lord gave a great time with the Word of God, they are a mature church there we enjoyed the Word together.

Tuesday December 13 we traveled into Chinandega Ncaragua, to start our miniters meeting for three days.

The way ministry the ministers meeting is, we started tuesday night with a evangelistic service under a tent or in open areas, three nights of evangelistic services and we also have four service for ministers only.

Very Good Time in The Lord , good teachings about the responsabilities of a minister.

Brother Eli was elected to preach thursday Night.

He did a wonderfull Job, preaching Christ into the people´s Hearts.

The Local Pastor asked permission to the City to used one of the street close to the church, there fore the night services where in open area.

Here we have a couple of photos of the ministers services, and the Local Pastor Nilson Romero on Red shirt

This was the Last service where the Lord touched one man to gave his heart to the Lord.and we also prayed for the sick.

I believe that the Lord touched Lot people´s Life

Friday December 16 we headed back home by bus from Chinandega.

I want to thank you all once more for your great Love , your prayers and financial support for Our missionary ministry here in Central America.

I pray tha God will continue adding many blessing into your ministry your home and Saints of the Church as well.

It has been a great blessing for my Life to be able

Your brother in Christ: Jose Francisco Calix Diaz. well known as ( Brother Paco)


One of my photos is going back home and the other is already enjoying my hommock in Home.

The Last night of the Campaign during the ministers meeting I was asked to preach.

And the Lord Gave me grace to win one soul for the Lord that night.

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