Greetings to our dear Pastor Chris Maritz and LWF Assembly.
First that all I wants to thank God for his Grace and Mercy for all of Us, and for the confidence He has in Us.
I want to say once more that I do aprecciate the Lord for put this Church LWF. on my path to Join us to accomplish together the Missionary work.
We got the first conection over teen years ago through Our precious brother Don Alexander few years before Brother Maritz took the Church to be the Pastor there, and every since, you all has been a great blessing for my ministry and especially for the Misquito people in the Jungle of Honduras and Nicaragua,who have benefited with the missionary trip we have made with the funds you have been providing to us to travel in the Jungle.
And I also want to said that I am also doing evangelism work in diferents places in Honduras and Nicaragua as well out of the Jungle.
I am so pride for the privilege God has giving me to be connected with so especial people like you.
may continue adding many blessings into your Life and ministry.
Lord willing I will be working with Missionary Report this weekend.
God Bless you
Your brother in Christ: Jose Francisco Calix Diaz.

Tuesday July 26.
We traveled into La Ceiba City, Honduras.
to be in a little town call Peru.
Brother Adonis Quintanilla on white long sleve shirt and sister Irma next to him and the three children on the 4 photo used to live in Puerto Lempira, the Jungle of Honduras and they receibed the message there.
Few month back they moved back into Peru to their original place where they belong.
Brother Adonis and his wife wants his relatives to hear the message of the hour, where I invited the believers from La Ceiba City, to come to support the meeting there.
The brother incharge of the work in La Ceiba brought part of his congragetion, where we had a wonderful time in the Lord.
And these two sisters gave their heart to the Lord, the Lady and the young girl on pink dress.
I pray that God will continue to work in their Life.

This young Lady came with me to La Ceiba City to support the Meetings there.
She is sister Suyapa Calix my other half.
Please continue praying for her, she got a real missionary heart, she´s alway ready to go with me, even dough that she is fighting with DIABETES and HI, BLOOD PRESSURE.
In this trip she was not able to come with us because she had a appointment with the Doctor, and by the grace of God she is doing great.
She feels lots better when she is in the missionary fied with me, that what she does when she stay in home by her self.

Wednesday July 27.
We visited the believers in La Ceiba City, for one service.
This little group of believers do not have a pastor yet, in 20 years time they have they have suffered three divisions or splits in the church, the Last one was about three years ago, the Pastor took another doctrine out of the message, still claiming to be message teaching.
And now they don´t have a pastor neither place to worship, they have their meetings in one of the believers home front porch.
Right now they are starting to build their church to have regular place to worship, little by little because they don´t have the funds to do it.
please pray for them for a Pastor , and for the funds to accomplish the construction of the church for them.

Thursday July 28
We traveled into Puerto Lempira, the Jungle of Honduras by Airplane.
The Lord has blessed me by giving me Brother Eli Acosta to travel with me in the Jungle, he is definitely a great blessing for me and the believers in the Jungle.
Brother , Blackhouse and other three brothers were waiting for us at the Airport of Puerto Lempira, Honduras.
Same day at 6:00 pm we did have the first service in Puerto Lempira´s church.

Thursday night at 6:00 pm brother Eli preached a wonderful evangeliestic sermon.
And by the grace of God this young man on white shirt standing by himself, in the photo, gave his heart to the Lord JesusChrist, and the rest of the believers standing there, came to the altar for a better walk with the Lord.

Puerto Lempira´s neighborhood service.
The brother standing with brother Blackhouse invited us to come to have a service in his house, he know little about the messge, but still having some religion issues,
look like his family don´t have any revelation also.
but we did preached the word and now we has to wait to see what the Lord will do with them.

Saturday, July 30.
We had another service in Puerto Lempira´s church.
Brother Blackhouse were very happy because his little group were receiving the benefits of our visitation,
The believers in Puerto Lempira are growing spiritually, I believe that we will have some of them at the Lords wedding Supper.

Sunday, July 31
Morning service in Puerto Lempira Tabernacle.
After the teaching of the Word of God, we went to the River to Baptize a couple, Sister Cristina and her husband bro. German.
sister Cristina was praying for brother German for years so he can come out of the Catholic Church, but he did not want to receibe the Word, but, finally he came to the Lord and receibed the water baptizm in The Name of the Lord JesusChrist.

Sunday evening service, July 31.
Brother Eli preached a wonderfull message and the word touched this man and his wife, they have been arround the message, but he has not been able to stand for the Word.
Now he asked for a special prayer to serve the Lord and to be strong enough to over come the trials of the way.
please pray for them.

Monday august 01,
We traveled into Nicaragua Jungle,
We arrived into the community of Waspan Nicaragua, after 6 hours traveling.

Monday August 01.
we had a wonderfull time in the Lord.
This little group of believers in Waspan Nicaragua, were waiting for us to come to visit them,
And by the grace of God we did and we sgared the word with them, we prayed for thr Sick and some of them came for prayer to live a better Life in Christ Jesus

Tuesday August 02.
The only way to go to Wua Wua Esperanza it´s riding on the Top of this Truck,
the way into Wua Wua ESPERANZA THE TRUCK DOES NOT Carry to much load.

This the Little Church in Wua wua Esperanza.
The Brother Standing in front is the brother incharge of the Work there his Name ModestoBrown and his wifeSister Dayana Muller she´s standing in front and brother Eli is praying for Her.
This community it´s Located in the Middle of nowwhere, We builded this church After the Hurracanes Eta and Iota.
Look like this church needs more attention, please continue praying for them.

This is the way to travel into Wua Wua Esperanza, Nicaragua.
This truck is hauling all king of product fron the Jungle into the market place, and at the top of that they put the passengers. we were over 40 people riding on this truck.

We had the opportunity to Talk to this family here in Waspan Nicaragua, about the Lord, it was like a home service we praised the Lord singing and we also prayed together.
Just trying to find the las elected seed of God to awaken it.
The brother incharge of the Work in Waspan is Pedro Blachouse, Brother Rafael´s brother.
Saturday Agust 6.
We came back into Puerto Lempira, Honduras.
The believers in Nicaragua , Waspan and Wua wua Esperanza were very Happy for having us visiting and healping them with the word.
This two brothers incharge of these two little groups need more instruction in the word, and more than all, they need the real revelation from God.
Please pray for them.

Sunday Morning, August 7
WE had a wonderful service in Puerto Lempira Tabernacle, Brother Eli and brother Blackhouse did wonderful.
They did let the Lord to have the preeminence in the service, and the Church ewere touched by the spirit.
He preached about the new and the old nature.
and some of the believers came to the altar to ask the Lord to kill the first nature to receibe the new nature in their Heart.

Sunday afternoon, August 7, at 3 pm.
We celebrate a wedding ceremony in Brother Blackhouse´s churc in Puerto Lempira.
Brother Heber Peinado and his wife want to serve the Lord in the right way in Puerto Lempira´s Tabernacle.

Monday Morning, Agust 8.
We started out trip into Tikiraya, Honduras Area.
This time of the year is very rainy, and some places are almost under water,
But the Lord healped us in a mighty way.

Monday August 8.
Traveling into Tikiraya Honduras
Through the Jungle, we had water every where in that area.

monday August 8 in the afternoom
We arrived in Tikiraya.
and at six thirty we had the first service in Tikiraya.
By the grace of God lot neighbers came to be in service with us.
for us is very important to have people inservice with us so we can share the word with them.

These three families are servin the Lord in Tikiraya.
Brother Pablito Bosen , is standing with his wife and for little daughters, he is the brother incharge of the work in Tikiraya and his wife is expecting another baby.
The next one in the middle with his Girlfriend and the Little boy is Brother Aranzo and Mariela.
Brother Aranzo do not know how old is he, his dad never registered hin as a nature person, in other words he don´t exist in the National people registration.
During our trip back in february, brother Aranzo´s little boy convulsed and died,and the sister brought the baby into us so we can pray for him.And we prayed for him an the Lord healed him inmediallity
And the third one is Brother Paulino Bosen and his wife sitting on the Hammock, He is supporting his son Paulito, He is really healping Brother Pablito to support his family.

Now these two couples gave their heart to the Lord,

Wednesday August 10.
We traveled from Tikiraya into Lisagny Pura.
we sail through Cruta River for maybe three hours, Most of the area has been flooded even the agricultural fields.
Some of the believers of Lisagny Pura came to meet us in this trial that is full of water they healped us with a small canoe.
The Pastor Nolberto Lopez and the believers where happy for having us coming to visit them.

Wednesday August 10.
The sister with the kids, they are her sunday school class, and wants to sing a speciail song with them and beside that every little kid has to said a verse of the bible.
The young sister is the pastor´s daughter singing a special song too, and the other two guy ,I think that you know prety good , don´t you? ja ja ja

Wednesday August 10.
This is the first service wednesday night.
This 5 people ata the front, thay have been visiting the church, and that night the Word preached touched their heart and they made the confession to receibe Christ

These two fellow came to visit us to get something to eat.
This area here has been hit by the flood and lot communities don´t have any food right now because the flood washed everything away in the field.
that made the situation little more expensive for us because we share a meal or two to the believers Lisagny Pura

Thursday August 11,
9:30 A M We had a morning service to teach little more doctrine, they came happily to receibe the word of God.
After the morning service we walked to the river to Baptize four new believers.

Lisagny Pura
Thursday afternnom baptismal service at river bank.

Brother Pablito From Tikiraya came with us to Lisagny pura.
And wanted to let them do the water baptizm, so they can learn how to do it.
because I want them to be able to do the work of the Lord and their own, instead of be waiting for us to come.
SoBrother Pablito and brother Nolberto, they did baptized these four believers

Lisagny Pura.
Thursday night we had another wonderful service.
the young sister is another pastor´s daughter singing a special song.
at the end of the service the whole group of believers decided to renew vows with the Lord JesusChrist.

Friday Morning Agust 12
We got up very early arround 4:30 am to head up into Puerto Lempira.
most of the believers came to healped us to take our stuff back to the River.
But before we started walk, we had a wonderful Prayer meeting together, and as i told you before the whole communities are starving for lack of food, I asked to every one of them if they wants to present their needs to the Lord and SURPRICE not one asked for food, they want to be right with God.
God gave us a graeat time arround them in Lisaagny Pura.

Saturday Agust 13.
We had a wonderful service in Puerto Lempira Tabernacle.
God used brother Eli mightily, and lot people desired to renew their vows with the Lord JesusChrist.

Sunday Morning Service August 14.
Note: in the previous mail I sent the photos of Sunday Morning.
In this service we had a teaching concerning Communion and foot washing.
Because sunday afternoom we will be having communion and foot washing.
Most of the people want to be ready for it, and they renewed their vow with the Lord Jesuschrist.

Sunday August 14 evening time.
Communion and foot washing in Pueetto Lempira Tabernacle.
about 22 believers desired to participate.
we had great time in the Lord.

Monday Agust 15.
Praise the Lord, we headed back home.
we had a great time in the Lord doing his work with Joy in Our hearts, knowing that one of this days we will make the last missionary trip.
All of you will support my missionaries trip the Last time and them we will go home with the healp of the Lord JesusChrist.
I am so pride of being part of you and to be able to work together.
This is humble Missionary Report, I pray that you will enjoy it and your souls will be pleased with it, and I pray that God continue adding many blessings into your Life spiritual and financial speacking.
Thank You Thank You Thank You.
God Bless You All. Your Borther In Christ Jose Francisco Calix Diaz.