Bro David Nash Mission Report
Working to finish church near Managua, Nicaragua. Bro Manuel López (Center) Is currently Pastor.
NW Chinendega, Nicaragua service Wednesday night.
Five pastors and a missionary that came asking for services in their areas of Nicaragua.
Inside of churchs in Danli and Tegusigalpa, Honduras.
Building the church and meeting in the basement section of Cayamangu, Honduras.
Believers, having walked a distance up the mountain, waiting to get into service...
1)Brother Ashok Vermeer and family. Pastors two churches in Mauritius. 2) Brother Oliver's church in Nottingham is on the 2nd floor of this building. 3)Closing song of church in Dublin. Brother Marais is Pastor
I trust that this gives you a cross section of places that I have been received in Central America.
In Ireland/England, we wound up doing seven services in eight days in four different churches. Then on to Mauritius where I took, (I think?), three in four days, with Brother George Smith arriving to take the last three, so I actually got a couple of days rest before returning home.
In the November journey to Honduras and Nicaragua... arrived Wednesday and spoke every night except Saturday, where I met with Paco and we shared in a beautiful wedding in Chinendega. Monday we took the bus to Tegusigalpa and spoke every day with multiple services on two of those days and most of the services being back in rugged mountainous area. Baptized two new believers and we were well received with multiple requests to return as soon as possible. Additional invitations to El Salvador and other regions of Honduras were requested.
Other than to say, we're striving to get the Gospel of Jesus Christ into every area and nation possible...what else can be said?
Mathew 28:18-20, Acts 2:36-41, 2nd Timothy 4:1-5 are still very much in affect, until all come into the unity of the faith through a personal relationship with Jesus Christ.
God bless you!
- Bro David Nash