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2018-10 Honduras Mission Report

Brother Paco

October, 12 to 26, 2018.

Missionarries: Jose Francisco Calix Diaz. And Rafael Blackhouse.

Places where we are working:

Puerto Lempira. Lisagny Pura, and the new place call Baykan.

First I want to said that I am so thankfull with our Lord Jesus Christ for His Mercy and Grace That He has for us, To allowed us to work for his Kingdom.

To me it´s a great privilege to be part of the workers of the Lord Jesus. And to be connected with so special people Like Pastor Christ Maritz and the flock that God has put under his ministry to feed them with the Revial Word of the Hour, this glorious mesaage.

I want to thank you all, for the Great support you has been able to give to the missionary work in the Jungle of Honduras, because I am here in honduras and I am willing to do the work, but this work it´s not possible to do it with out prayer warriers and financial support.

I do not take this great healp as a common healp, to me this healp, it´s a blessing from heaven through you as a group of believer of this great message.

We are here praying that God increase your financial income and the desire to continue supporting this work of God, (LOOKING FOR THE LAST ELECTED ONE)

I can see that everything it´s point to the coming of the Lord, I can feel it, because the devil it´s pulling everything he has in hell, to put it in the way to hinder the work of the Lord.

W e are working against, Religion, witchcraft, customs of the tribes, and financial needs.

But with the healp of the Lord, if we remain working together, we can accomplish the task that God has call us to do.

Coming up next, my missionary report.

Friday, October 12, 2018.

The Pastor of the church in La Ceiba City, Brother Fabian Orellana, invited me to preach for him, being that I was not able to travel to Puerto Lempira that day.

And the Lord did bless us with the Word with a evangelistic service.

3 Sisters came to the altar to rededicate their Life to Christ.

The Pastor were very please with the results.

Saturday, October 13, 2018

I traveled to Puerto Lempira.

6 PM we had a evengelistic Home service, in one of the neighborhood in Puerto Lempira.

At Brother Hitler Bocaro Home, He used to be in a baptist church, And by the grace of God Brother Hitler and his 18 years old son Hitler Junior accepted the revial Word.

SUNDAY, October 14, 2018

Sunday 9 AM. Service in the tabernacle, preacing, mostly teaching of the Word, to get ready for the coming of the Lord.

1 person accepted the Lord in his heart as his savior.

5 person came to the altar to rededicated their Life to Christ.

And I dedicated one baby girl to the Lord.

Sunday 2: pm

Baptism of Brother Hitler Bacaro, the brother that used to be in the baptist church.

Sunday 6 PM.

Preaching in the Tabernacle of Puerto Lempira, Hebrews 8:13.

That Jesus is our savior and our healer, and we had prayed for the sick people and diferents matters.

Monday, October 15, 2018.

We travel to Lisagny Pura, and we had the first service at 6: PM

2 People answer to the altar call, to rededicate their life to Christ.

Tuesday October 16, 2018.

Evangelistic service in Lisagny church. Lot people came to hear the Word.

W e have been sowing the Word, we hope that we will have a harvest one day.

Wednesday October 17, 2018.

We traveled to Baykam, through the river with the Teacher of the community, brother Hitler.

6 PM. We had the first service.

The peole in Baykan, most of them do not know how to read and how to write, it is a little villege extremely poor.

The catholic church has taken advantage of it, and now it´s not easy to brake that chain, but the people they do come to hear the message, we are preaching Christ to them, lot of them seem to be happy with our visitation.

Three People answer to the altar call, to give their heart to the Lord, And two came to rededicated, they said that they used to be Christian before in the Catholic church.

Thursday October 18, 2018.

At day time we talked to some of the natives about the Word, to see the diference betwin religión and the Word,

At 6 PM we had a wonderfull Question and anwser service, some of them asked some bible questions and by the grace of God we gave them bible answers.

Look like the Lord it´s working Little by Little with these people, and they asked us if we are planning to continue visiting them, because they said that, they are listen new things and they want to hear more.

Friday October 19, 2018

We traveled back to Lisagny Pura.

6 PM. We had a evangelistic service in Lisagny Pura´s church.( We church under a shelter)

Two people gave their Heart to the Lord.

Four people came to be reconciled with the Lord.

And we prayed for the sick.

Saturday October 20, 2018.

In the morning time we visit some believers, and we had a special home service at sister Bisidinia´s house, she had a stroke back in april, and she is not able to walk, but we always come to feed her spiritually with the Word, she does appreciated very much.


We celebrated the Pastor Nolberto Lopez wedding Ceremony.

He has been incharge of the Little group in Lisagny Pura, But he was not married yeat, because his wife was not register in the national registration of people in honduras.

They did not have a hope to fix that problema because the financial difficulties, but, by the grace of God we healp her to get the paper work done and now by the grace of God, she does got her ID, and they got married.

NOTE: The people of these communities has never experience a Christian Wedding Ceremony, Lot people came to see it, and seem like they have enjoy.

Most of these peole never got married, the parents of the girl it they got a virgen girl, they ask to the man for a bull, if he bring the bull he can have the girl.

And if they have girl that have already been with a man, they ask for a big hog.

And the Catholic church confirm that issue as marriage commitment.

Sunday, October 21, 2018.

9: AM The morning service at the church Shelter.

2: PM we baptized four believers.

Brother Nolberto and his wife sister Alexa, brother Electerio Lopez. These three believers are from Lisagny Pura, and Brother Hitler Junior from Puerto Lempira he traveled with us and he decided to be baptized while he was in Lisagny Pura.

6 PM Home service at brother Calero´s house, lot people came to hear including four military men, one militar man who was out of service gave his heart to the Lord, and two sister came to the altar to reconcile with the Lord.

Monday, October 22, 2018

We traveled back to Puerto Lempira.

Tuesday, October 23, 2018

Service in the Tabernacle of Puerto Lempira.

Teaching of the Word.

Wednesday October 24, 2018

6: PM

We ha done more service at brother Hitler Bacaro´s house, and by the grace of God the Lord toched another son of brother Hitler, he gave his heart to the Lord.

Thursday, October 25, 2018

Teaching of the Word in the Tabernacle of Puerto Lempira.

Friday, October 26. 2018.

My return back home.

I thank the Lord Jesus Christ, for making me part of his bride, and for the Call he gave me to work for his kingdom, but I am only his servant.


I hope you have enjoy this humble report, please continue praying for us.

God bless you all

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