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2018-08 Honduras Mission Report

Brother Paco

Email from - Brother: Jose Francisco Calix Diaz.

Brother : Rafael Blackhouse. (Interprete and the Pastor in puerto Lempíra)

Places we visit in the Jungle of Honduras.

1)Puerto Lempira. 2)Lisagny Pura. 3)Baykan.(This is the new place we visit)

Puerto Lempira.

August 3, Friday.

At day time we did personal evangelism, and at 6:30 pm we had a wonderfull evangelistic meeting in one of the neighborhood in Puerto Lempira.

Four people gave their hearts to the Lord and two more came to rededicate their life to Christ, because they were backsliders.

August 4 Saturday.

Service in the Tabernacle

One person Gave his heart to the Lord JesusChrist, and three more backslide People came back to start over again to serve the Lord.

August 5, Sunday

9:00 am Sunday school service, teaching of the Word.

1:00 pm We went to the Lake to baptize four Brothers and two sisters in the wonderfull name of the Lord JesusChrist.

5:00 pm. We celebrated a wedding ceremony to Brother Pablito and his wife sister Magnesia.

It was a very busy day

August 6, Monday

We maked some preparations for the trip to Lisagny Pura. ( we bought gas,food and others things we were needing)

Lisagny Pura.

August 7, Tuesday

We travel from Puerto Lempira to Lisagny Pura as we planned.

Two musician, a Keboard player and a guitar player, Brother Blackhoouse as an interpreter and myself.

6:30 pm we had a evangelistic meeting,

August 8, Wednesday.

At they time we visit sister Bisidinia, one of our Sister who has been sick since april 2018, she had a stroke and she can´t walk now. We had a small service in her house and we prayed for her and we also shared a Little offeering with her.

We also had a very good talk with two catholics pastors, they came to see us, one of them his two daughters are attending the message services in Lisagny Pura, He was very sick and he want us to pray for him, We invited them to come to the night service, and Brother NOLAN the sick pastor came to our service and we prayed for him, and He spoke some words to the people who were in the service, and he told the people to press on because this is the true.

Lot Catholic people are testifying that this message is the truth, I don’t know what they are going to do with it, but they are listening the truth

We also shared a Little offeering with Brother NOLAN because He did not have any money to buy food and he was needing healp.

One man came to the altar to accept the Lord Jesus Christ as his savior.

BAYKAN ( mean :The orphan town)

August 9,Thursday

We arrived arround four o´clock in Baykan.

Brother Zoilo Siblas the shief, who came to Puerto Lempira about 6 months ago to be baptized in the Name of the Lord Jesus Christ, The Pastor from Puerto Lempira Baptized him in wáter.

He want to be baptized in Baykan River, so his people can see him being baptize in wáter.

But we were not able to go to Baykan went we planned to go, therefore he came to puerto Lempira To be baptize.

He was waiting for as with some of his people.

The teacher of BAYKAN school Brother Hitler, went to pick us up over in Lisagny Pura in a small boat, we have meet this brother some time ago, and we have been witnessing to him about the message few months back, and now we had the opportunity to be in his place.

Brother Hitler and his wife has been working in Baykan town School for 12 years, they both belong to a church call MORAVIAN CHURCH.

We also meet Brother Arlets, who is the man incharge (PASTOR)of the Catholic church in Baykan, who is brother Zoilo´s son. (Note:We Heard a testimony about Brother Arlets, that he is a cigarret and mariguana smoker, but we never saw him doing it.) He was very happy in fellowship with us.

Brother Arlet was very kind with us, and he was waiting for us with open arms, He also gave us permission to use the old catholic building to preach the Word, which we did use it to preach five services and he and his wife both were in every service we had.

I preached Thursday night, Friday night, Saturday night, Sunday morning and Sunday night, in the Catholics on building, I believe that, that was a miracle. Don´t you?

Friday Night, I told to the congregation, that I was going pray for the sick Saturday night, Thursday and Friday I did not make any altar call, because I was waiting in the Lord to tell me the momento to do it.

Saturday at 1:00 pm Brother Hitler, the teacher, he invited us to come to see the kids at the school and gave us chance to tell a Little bible story to the students, we had a wonderfull time with them.

Saturday night I was preaching of the woman with the blood issue, trying to raise the people´s faith, for the healing of their bodies and suddenly the Lord turned the message to have faith for the healing of the soul, which they have never Heard such thing as healing for the heart to cleanse all the sins away.

I make an altar call, for the sinners.

The teacher, brother Hitler was the first one to come over, then his wife and six more, plus brother Zoilo Sibias the shief, he also came to the altar to make a covenant with the Lord.

Total 9 people came to the altar to receibe The Lord Jesus as their Savior.

And after that we did prayed for the sick, and we Heard a testimony that there was one sister suffering the same problem of the subjet I have preached, Blood issue and when I was praying for her, I told her to have faith to receibe divine healing of her blood issue problem.

I did not know nothing about it, but the Lord new her problem and gave her, her healing.

Sunday Morning, agust 12.

9:00 am teaching of the Word.

1:00 pm BAPTISM : Brother Hitle THE TEACHER, decired to get baptize in wáter in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and I did baptized him in wáter.

Sunday Night.

The Last evengelistic service in Baykan.

Most of the people was happy, but we also had some of the inhabitants againts us.

Brother Arlet, the Catholic Pastor, He never said anything about to receive the Word or to come out of the catholic sistem, But he said something through the microphone.

He said I know that I will have trouble for receibe these brothers, but I know one thing, they are preaching the true, and he told us that he will be there for us when ever we come back.

Lot people said that they were not sure if we will come back there, Because they don´t have conditions for missionaries, because they don´t have Toilets, not clean wáter, no beds to sleep, we took a bath in a muddy river and we went to use the bathroom in the forest and lot pigs come after you to clean the place up. But, they asked us please come back, because they said that no body has ever preach something like we have preached.

And I said this; if the Lord provide the expenses, keep our health in good condition and give the courage to do it, for us to come back, we are willing to come back as soon is posible.

Brother Hitler Wife told me that she will be ready to get baptize in my next trip, and lot other people were talking about the baptism in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.

Agust, Monday 13

We came back to Lisagny Pura, we arrived late in the evening, no service monday night.

Agust, Tuesday 14.

We travel back to puerto Lempira.

At 6:00 pm we had a evangelistic service in the tabernacle of Puerto Lempira.

Agust,Wednesday 15

Personal evangelism, visiting and talking to the people about the end time message.

Agust, Thursday 16.

Service in the tabernacle of Puerto Lempira, we pray for the sick.

August, Friday 17

Preaching of the góspel in one of the neighborhood in Puerto Lempira.

Lot people it listening the revelation of the end time message.

August, Saturday 18

Evangelistic service in other neighborhood in Puerto Lempira.

The Lord is spreading out his message all over the jungle in honduras, but we still got lot places where lot people want us to come and preach the message, but we can only do what the Lord guide us to do.

August,Sunday 19

9:00 am service in the Tabernacle, teaching of the Word, with the subjet, to put God first in our Lifes, speaking about the Zarephat widow woman and Elijah the Tishbite, the Lord bless us with the Word and five believers came to the altar to make a decition to put God first in their lifes.

2.00 pm One sister lost a member of the family and they have a wake in her house, and she invited us to have service of singing and to preach the Word for the people who were there, not for the dead man, but for the live people.


6:00 PM We have the last service in the tabernacle of Puerto Lempira

I preach Jeremiah 29. 11 For I know the thoughts that I think toward you, saith the LORD , thought of peace, and not of evil, to give you an expected end.

I told them that God have good thoughts towards them, even though that they speaks other Dialect or Language, And that you are living here in this places, God have thought of peace and not of evil, toward you, That’s the Love of God for the Humanity.

August,Monday 20.

We visit one couple, the sister attend church in the tabernacle, but her Husband is bound with the alcoholic spirit, we talked to him and we share a scripture with him and his wife, in Proverbs 23: 19 to 35 That speack about the man who drink wine.

WE prayed for him and his wife, we trust that the Lord will healp him.

August, Tuesday 21.

I returned back home safe.

Work of Lisagny Pura.

Note: Brother Nolberto and Sister Alexa, went to the couse house to get married the last Wednesday, August 22, 2,018.

Brother Nolberto is incharge of the work of the Lord in Lisagny Pura.

Sister Alexa was not register in the sistema of the Nacional people registration of honduras, because her parents never did registered her.

But, by the Grace of God, brother Blackhouse and I we were able to healp her to get some paper work done for her and now she is registered, and now they were able to fix their life with the Lord, and finelly got married.

Dear brothers and Sisters of the Bride of the Lord Jesus Christ.

This is my humble missionary report of the work that the Lord has allowed me to do.

I really do wants to be able to do Little more for the Lord JesusChrist.

I ask you please to continue praying for the work of the Lord in honduras and Nicaragua Jungle, there is lot work to be done and very few labours.

I address this humble report tour you, with much love and humility, knowing that this is not the work of one man, but, it’s the work of the Bride togethers looking for the last one.

Your brother in Christ. Jose Francisco Calix Diaz.

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