The Jungle Of Honduras, Missionary Report.
February, 8 until 22, 2019.
Missionaries : Brother Jose Francisco Calix Diaz.
Pastor and Interpreter : Brother Rafael Blackhouse.
We visited 4 comunities.
1 Puerto Lempira. 2 Lisagny Pura. 3 Baykan. 4 Tiky Raya.
Dear Brother Chris Maritz and all the saints of Living Word Fellowship Tabernacle.
We greet you in the wonderfull name of the Lord Jesus Christ, and at the same time we like to thank the Lord for the great support we have been receiving to take this wonderfull message to the Native Misquito people, and some of the Spanish people.
We praise the Lord for what you have been doing, giving us the financial and prayer support so we can go into the jungle to preach the message; seeking for the Last one to enter in.
Brother Rafael Blackhouse it is a misquito believer, and he and I we are willing to continue this work until our last breath in this life or until the coming of the Lord.
We are so please to be able to do what the Lord has call us to do, but I always know that we are a body who work together to accomplish the work of the Lord.
My beloved brothers and sisters you are part of this humble misionary misitry.
Here below, it is a small report of what the Lord accomplis during this two weeks.
Friday, February 8, 2019.
I traveled to La Ceiba City, to spend the Night there to get my flight next morning, and there is group of saints, and they always asked me to preach for them. This group it´s going through a rough time, because their pastor left the message and he is preaching some thing else.
So this group of believers are standing for the message, and they don´t have a pastor yet. And by the grace of God, I preached for them; and two sister who were discorage, came to altar for prayer, and one man give his heart to the Lord.
Saturday , February 9,
I took my flight to Puerto Lempira.
6: pm Brother Blackhouse had a arrangement to have a service in one of the believers house, because they want to have a outreach service for the people who have never Heard the message before, and two sisters came to give their heart to the Lord, and we prayed for one lady who was sick.
9:30 AM. We had a very special service with the Little group of believers in the tabernacle of Puerto Lempira, and on Sunday morning lot visitors come to church, The Lord allowed me to preach for the church about the Holliness, The power of the resurrection of the Jesus Christ, the church order and the basic doctrine of the message.
We really had a very good time with the Word of God, and 9 people came to the altar because they said that they want to live a holy life for the Lord, we also prayed for the sick people.
Sunday night 6: 30 pm, we had another service in the tabernacle of Puerto Lempira.
Note: Brothers and sisters, I want to let you know that the missionary work in these áreas of the jungle it is very dificult to see the growth of the work in every place because there is lot people who come from diferent communities to hear the message and some of the them receibe Jesus in their hearts and go back to their communities, and some of them are asking brother Blackhouse if we can come to start a work in their villages, but we can only do Little by Little what ever the Lord is allowing us to do, But I believe that if these people receibe the Person of Jesus Christ in their hearts, God will take care of them for their salvation.
Monday February 11, 6:30 pm.
We had another out reach service in brother Bacaro´s house one of the members of the church in Puerto Lempira, we did have lot visitor that came to hear the Word, most of the people in the jungle belong to some kind of religious sistem.
Tuesday February, 12. In the Morning.
We travel to Tiki Raya, in a small boat, through Caratasca Lake and Cruta River, for almost 10 hours, we arrived in Tiki Raya arround 5 pm.
This is a mix religious community, Catholic and Baptist people, this was my second trip to this place and for brother Blackhouse this was his third trip.
We got a Little surprice when we arrived there, some of the people of the community they had a meeting before we arrived, and have decided not to let us come into the community to preach the message because they say that we are dividing the people, because some of the natives are talking about the difference between their teaching of their church and our teaching of the message, they say that they don´t even want us to get out of the boat.
But, God is good; and he has listened your prayer, there were two families and some other people who interceded for us, and told to the people who were againts us, that they have the right to receibe us to preach the true, because they are native of the Community of Tiki Raya and if you don´t want to hear the Word, we do.
And by the grace of God we enter into the community and preached two services and we also visited some of the houses, some of the people are fine and some are angry, but we know that God is in control, Brother Blackhouse baptized one Young brother back in nobember when he visited them, and this time we baptized two more.
Now we have some people that want to get married, beause they are living in fornication, but one of the greates walls that hinder the people to get married it´s the financial problem, specially from this communities that are far away from Puerto Lempira.
And the other problem is that some of them has never been register in the nacional people registration, there fore they don´t have an ID.
Please continue praying for this people.
In Tiki Raya lives a brother who is receibing the message, his name is Paulino Bozen and his wife and one daughter also.
He own this boat and a 15 horse power motor for the boat, he has come twice to pick us up to take us up to Tiki Raya, Baykam and Lisagny Pura, but he said that he won´t be able to healp us when he has to work.
We only buy the gas and oil, for the engine, but I feel like we need to pray to God so he can provide the funds to buy are own boat and engine to move to diferents places to take this wonderfull message to the natives in the jungle.
Thursday Februar 14,
We moved to Baykam, and we found the very same problem with the Catholic people.
This time, brother Zoilo the shift was not in Baykam because he gat very sick of the prostate and he went to Puerto Lempira to the hospital, the teacher brother Hitler and his wife they were on vacation of the school in Puerto Lempira. If you notice the believers were not there to healp us.
There are two Catholics Pastors, Brother Arlet and his son in law brother Octavio.
The first time we came into Baykam, Brother Octavio was againts us 100 % because he did not want any other religión to come into the community of Baykam.
But after brother Blackhouse visit them the second time, he came to the service and he gave his heart to the Lord, and every since, he has been a great healp for us.
In this trip we just made in february, The catholic people had a meeting one Sunday before we arrive there, and some of them say that they don´t want to receibe us anymore, because they think also that we are dividing the people, and as you know we have been using their catholic building to preach, they decided not to let us use their building anymore.
But, brother Arlet the Catholic pastor don´t really want to face us to tell us what is their decisión, so he decided to make a trip to other community and he left.
Brothers and sisters, when we arrived in Baykam ther was not body waiting for us, except brother Octavio the other catholic pastor and his wife who has gave his heart to the Lord.
He told us what was going on there, but he say, lets have church in the Cotholic building and see what happen.
We started our generator and turned on our speaker and we started to make noise and to invite people for the service and by the grace of God a group people came into the service like 18 or 20 people, but the people were not free to worship because what some of the people has say about us,
We have two services; Thursday and Friday, and brother Octavio was there with us, Friday evening brother hitler the teacher arrived in Baykan, and brother Octavio and his wife and brother Hitler and his wife they all made decisión to start to have their on services under a mango tree, because they want to be identified with the Word.
Please pray for them in Baykam, and pray for brother Zoilo the shieft for his recovering, he went through a prostate surgery.
Btother Blackhouse it is evangelizing, the young brother on the photo with me and brother Blackhouse it is one of the three young brothers who has been baptized in the name of the Lord Jesus Christ.
Even dough the baptist leaders in Tiki Raya din´t want us to come into the village, the Lord gave us people who stood up for the word and they came to hear the message, we did have two wonderfull services there.
I want to share this photos of the houses where these people live.
some time we don´t know how blessed we are, because we have almost everything any thime.
But when we see these little houses where there is lot people living in our heart cry for these people.
Please contonue praying for them.
the Lady with the man, she used to go to the baptist church, but now she said that she´s not longer baptist,
we went to evangelize and the people was pretty nice to us in their home.
The sister with the man on blue shirt it is also one of the ladies who did defended us before the baptisy people.
In January brother Blackhouse baptized ayoung brother in Tiki Raya, and in february, there was another two young brothers who wnts to get baptize.
That lady standing at the banck of the river, she is the one who said: If you want to beat the preachers, you got to beat me first.
There are two families plus other people who want us to continue the missionary work in Tiky Raya.
please pray for them.
In Baykam the Catholic leaders don´t want us to continue visiting the community of Baykam, because they think that we are dividing the people, because some of the people started to ask questions to the Catholic pastor brother Arley.
Therefore they decided not to let us use his building anymore.
As you know they allowed us to use their church to preach there, but now the people are seing the difference in betwin the Catholic church and the message of the hour.
But brother Octavio one of the Catholic pastors there and his family, he has made the decition to serve the Lord and now he is out of the Catholic church to start to have services under a mango three with brother Hitler´s family and the shief brother Zoilo Sibias.
Now we need to pray so the Lord provide a place to worship for them in Baykam.
Brother Octavio it´s singing a special song with the little one.
Not table or stand for the keyboard ther fore brother Blackhouse has to play it on his lap.
Saturday, february 16
We moved up to Lisagny Pura.
Saturday 6:30 pm we we had the first service.
Sunday Morning the second service we prayed for the sick people and
Sunday Night we had another out reach service in one of the believers house and one Catholic brother gave his heart to the Lord.
the small group there in Lisagny Pura stays together, please pray for them so they can grow spiritually.
We spended two days in Baykam and then we left to Lisagny Pura, where brother Nolberto it´s incharge of the work.
for now we have been using brother Paulino´s boat, but we are praying that God open a door for us to buy our own boat and engine.
In the second photo there´s brother Nolberto and his wife.
Sunday morning service.
In Lisagny Pura we don´t have Tabernacle or building for church yet, we only have a shelter, not electricity and not sound sistem.
It has been little complicated for brother Nolberto to have the services like that, but we are praying so the Lord Provide for them what they need to worship the Lord.
Evangelistic service in Lisagy Pura at Brother Calero´s house, in this service one Catholic brother gave his heart to the Lord.
We did have three service in Lisagny Pura.
The Lord Gave us a very good time with the word.
Monday, February 18.
We moved back to Puerto Lempira.
The same day we were invited to cometo talk to a couple who want to know what we preach, and after we talked about two hours with the couple, the man of the house gave his heart to the Lord and now he and his wife are coming to the church.
Tuesday, Februar 19.
We have the srvice in the tabernacle of Puerto Lempira, we enjoy the Word together with the believers.
In Puerto Lempira.
Some of the believers of Puerto Lempira working.
Under the pastoral house we builded a plce for the little one to receibe Sunday School.
Wednesday, Februar 20.
Out reach service, in one of the neighborhood, we were expanding the preaching of the Word, to give the opportunity to more people to hear the truth.
Thursday, Februar 21.
We had have the last service of fellowship with the believers in the tabernacle of Puerto Lempira, the people it´s really happy with the message, they are learning Little more every day about it.
Friday February 22.
My trip Back home, and by the grace of God I made it back home safe.
I want to thank the Lord For his blessing and to the saints in church for their prayer for us.
All the misquito comunities where we have been visiting they sent greeting to al the saints of living Word Fellowship Tabernacle.
God bless every one of you.
Your Brother In Christ: Jose Francisco Calix Diaz.