In March of 2024 we sent funds to Bro. Waiswa Jackson in Uganda for the purchase of two portable speaker systems. He and the brothers from his church do a lot of outreach in the streets of Northern Uganda and use these systems to get the Gospel and Message heard amongst the people in these remote areas.
We received this note from Bro. Jackson:
Dear Bro Steve.
Greetings to you in the Name of our soon coming Lord and saviour Jesus Christ.
Hoping that you are fine in the Lord by the grace.
Iam glad to send you the pictures of the two speakers that you bought for us to help us in the outreaches.
May God bless you so much for the supports.
We pray that the Lord will keep you blessed for the kingdom.
Convey our sincere regards to Pr,Chris, and the saints of God there.
Yours brother for the Harvest.
Bro,. Waiswa. Jackson.
